Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Evolution Essay - 550 Words

Evolution (Essay Sample) Content: INTRODUCTIONEvolution is defined as the change in genetic frequencies over time. Evolution is categorized into two: micro evolution which is the changes within and between breeding populations overtime and macro evolution which is the rise and fall of identifiable species. The human race is a species that has evolved over time from mammals, then to primates and in later ages branched into the Homo genus. This genus comprises Homo habilis, then Homo erectus, Homo sapiens and currently human beings belong to homo sapiens sapiens.Scientists still believe that the human race is still evolving now, though the changes may be subtle.Micro evolutionThere is enough evidence of microevolution over time: * Gene mutation. There is evidence of gene mutation among the human species over time. Human gene mutation is due to resistance to disease e.g. diseases like smallpox, malaria used to kill people over the ages but gene mutation has enabled human beings over time to become immune to those diseases. * It is clear that the wisdom teeth in human beings are no longer welcome as they caanot fit in the current human beings jaw. The need for the strong wisdom teeth to aid early man in consumption of hard food e.g. raw meat, roots, fruits has been eradicated by the availability of cooked food thus it is highly probable that the next generations of human beings will have no wisdom teeth. * The future human beings may have way less hair. Humans are regarded as hairless apes. This is due to the fact that the availability of clothing does not require their bodies to develop hair to protect their skin from heat or cold. With technological advances e.g. air conditioning and heating, the insulating properties of hair are no longer as required thus it is wise to speculate that future human beings may have way less hair.ÂMacroevolution can only be observed over a period of time as it requires the demise...

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